White Papers

Most AI Explainability Is Snake Oil. Ours Isn't. Here's Proof.

Zest AI Resources
Banks and lenders can make more money using machine learning.

Advanced machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI that uses more data and sophisticated math to make better predictions and decisions. But adoption of ML has been held back by the technology’s “black-box” nature—you can’t run a credit model safely or accurately if you can’t explain its decisions.

Existing explainability techniques have serious flaws, namely: inaccuracy, inconsistency, and lengthy time consumption.

Zest AI is working to change that. In this white paper, we cover:
  • Four kinds of explainability techniques
  • Putting explainability techniques to the test
  • Gradient boosted trees
  • Neural networks

Get your copy of the white paper to see how we are changing the status quo with Zest Automated Machine Learning (ZAML™).